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  • ozildepassarella

Inglês - 6ºs Anos - Atividade Animals

Profª Miqueline


Katy Perry

______ used to bite my tongue and hold my breath

Scared to rock the boat and make a mess

So ______ sat quietly, agree politely

_____ guess that _____ forgot I had a choice

_____ let you push me past the breaking point

_____ stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

_____ held me down, but I got up

Already brushing off the dust

_____ hear my voice, you hear that sound

Like thunder, gonna shake the ground

_____ held me down, but I got up

Get ready, ‘cause I’ve had enough

_____ see it all, I see it now

_____ got the eye of the tiger, a fighter

Dancing through the fire

‘Cause I am a champion

And you’re gonna hear me roar

Louder, louder than a lion

‘Cause _____ am a champion

And _____’re gonna hear me roar Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 2x

You’re gonna hear me roar

Now _____’m floating like a butterfly

Stinging like a bee, _____ earned my stripes

_____ went from zero, to my own hero

_____ held me down, but I got up

Already brushing off the dust

_____ hear my voice, your hear that sound

Like thunder, gonna shake your ground

_____ held me down, but _____ got up

Get ready, ‘cause I’ve had enough

_____ see it all, _____ see it now

_____ got the eye of the tiger, a fighter

Dancing through the fire

‘Cause _____ am a champion

And you’re gonna hear me roar

Louder, louder than a lion

‘Cause I am a champion

And _____’re gonna hear me roar

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 2x

_____’re gonna hear me roar 2 x

Roar-or, roar-or, roar-or


1) Complete a letra da canção com os pronomes pessoais (personal pronouns) I and You .

2) Escreva os nomes dos animais abaixo, em seguida, e escreva o nome do animal que aparecem na letra da música.

3) Analise os versos abaixo. Um está em inglês e o outro está em português. Complete os versos que estão em português com a palavra correta.

a) ”…I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter dancing through the fire…”

”… Eu tenho o olho do _______, a lutadora dançando sobre o fogo…”

b) ”You held me down, but I got up…”

“_____ me segurou, mas eu levantei…”

c) ”I see it all, I see it now…”

“___ vejo tudo, ___ vejo agora…”

d) ”Now I am floating like a butterfly…””

Agora estou flutuando como uma________…”

e) ”You are gonna hear me roar…”

“Você me ouvirá ______…”

4) Procure o vídeo da musica e escreva em inglês os nomes dos 5 bichos aparecem nas cenas Envie a atividade para o e-mail até o dia 28/05.

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