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Inglês - 3ºs Ensino Médio - Atividades 13/07 a 17/07


E.E.Dr. Ozilde Albuquerque Passarella Nome completo: _______________________________Série: ____ data: ____________ Distanciamento Social- COVID-19 Atividade referente a semana: 13 a 17 de julho de 2020- 2º Bimestre Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – 2 aulas semanais - Professora: Sueli Rangel Turmas: 3ª SÉRIES A e B- Ensino Médio- Noturno Data de entrega:24/07/2020. Enviar no e-mail ou pelo whatsapp. Recomendações: Responder no próprio arquivo, salvar (pode ser em PDF) e mandar de volta. Por favor, não mandem fotos. 1ª) (ENEM/2015) Leia e depois responda a questão Why am I compelled to write? Because the writing saves me from this complacency I fear. Because I have no choice. Because I must keep the spirit of my revolt and myself alive. Because the world I create in the writing compensates for what the real world does not give me. By writing I put order in the world, give it a handle so I can grasp it. ANZALDÚA, G. E. Speaking in tongues: a letter to third Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa, falecida em 2004, foi uma escritora americana de origem mexicana que escreveu sobre questões culturais e raciais. Na citação, o intuito da autora é evidenciar as: a) compensações advindas da escrita. b) possibilidades de mudar o mundo real. c) escolhas que ela faz para ordenar o mundo. d) maneiras de ela lidar com seus medos. e) razões pelas quais ela escreve. Leia o texto abaixo para responder as próximas 6 (seis) questões: BIOGRAPHY Pelé was born in 1940. He was a Brazilian soccer player. He is known as King Pelé, enchanted the world with his dribbles and passes. He worked as World Soccer Ambassador. He was elected the “Athlete of the Century”. He led the Santos Football Club, where he worked for two decades, more fortunate than forty bowls. He was top scorer of the Paulista championship, won the title 11 times, where 9 were consecutive. He was top scorer of the Libertadores, the Brazil Cup and the Rio São Paulo Tournament. He made his debut in the Brazilian National Team with only 17 years, incomplete, from 1971. He played in the New York Cosmos from 1975 to 1977. He was Sports Minister between 1995 and 1998. He won titles in several parts of the world.

2ª) The text talks about Pelé, what was his main occupation? a) Education Minister b) Soccer Player. c) President. d) Engineer. e) Athlete of the Century. 3ª) How did he become known? a) Soccer Player. b) top scorer. c) World Soccer Ambassador. d) King Pelé. e) Athlete of the Century. 4ª) Pele was elected as a) Athlete of the Century. b) top scorer. c) Brazilian soccer player. d) Sports Minister. e) Brazil Cup. 5ª) Pelé charmed the world with his a) life of dedication. b) dribbles and passes. c) top scorer of the Paulista championship. d) Sports Minister. e) plays and touches. 6ª) How many bowls did Santos Football Club win? a) Eleven. b) Twenty. c) Fifty. d) Forty. e) One hundred. 7ª) What was he in 1995-1998? a) Top scorer. b) Sports Minister. c) Ambassador. d) Soccer player. e) Athlete of the Century.

8ª) A frase “We don’t work today.” está na forma negativa (Nós não trabalhamos ontem.). Como fica a frase em inglês: “Ela não necessita trabalhar na escola.”?

a) She doesn’t need to work in school.

b) She not needs to work in school.

c) She don’t need to work in school.

d) She need to work in school.

e) He doesn’t need to work in school.

9ª) Complete as sentenças abaixo usando don’t ou doesn’t.

1. He ________ like spinach. 2. They ________ read books. 3. I ________ watch movies. 4. She ________ study Spanish. 5. It _______ open before 10 o’clock. 6. Fernanda and Carol ________ work here anymore. A alternativa que completa a sequência corretamente é

a) don’t / don’t / doesn’t / don’t / doesn’t / doesn’t

b) doesn’t / don’t / don’t / doesn’t / doesn’t / don’t

c) don’t / don’t / don’t / doesn’t / don’t / don’t

d) don’t / don’t / don’t / doesn’t / doesn’t / doesn’t

e) don’t / doesn’t / doesn’t / don’t / don’t / doesn’t

10ª) Read the text and answer next question.

Why are fruits and

vegetables good for you?

Fruits and vegetables are good for you because they provide important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and natural plant compounds known as phytochemicals. As well as their health benefits, these phytochemicals are responsible for the color, taste and smell of a fruit or vegetable.

Cookbook. New York: DK Publishing, 2007, p. 8

10ª) Segundo o texto, por que as frutas são importantes para a saúde?

a) Because they provide skin cleansing.

b) Because they provide important carbohydrates

c) Because are responsible for the color, taste and smell.

d) Because are not good for you.

e) Because they provide important vitamins, minerals and fiber.

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