Profª Sueli E.E.Dr. Ozilde Albuquerque Passarella
Nome completo: _______________________________Série: ____ data: ____________
Distanciamento Social- COVID-19
Atividade referente a semana: 17 a 21 de agosto de 2020- 3º Bimestre
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – 2 aulas semanais - Professora: Sueli Rangel
Turmas: 3ª SÉRIES A e B- Ensino Médio- Noturno
Data de entrega:02/09/2020. Enviar no e-mail ou pelo whatsapp.
Recomendações: Responder no próprio arquivo, salvar (pode ser em PDF) e mandar de volta. Por favor, não mandem fotos.
Link da aula do CMSP do dia 14/08/2020: Modal Verbs: MAY, MIGHT and COULD.
Esse exercício é para completar com o modal verbs may, might or could. Ou de acordo com as opções oferecidas em cada quadrinho.
1) _______ help you with your luggage, madam?
( ) May
( ) Might
2) Sara _______ Math next year.
( ) may teaches
( ) might teaches
( ) might teach
3) The test _______ difficult.
( ) could be
( ) may being
( ) might being
4) Bring your umbrella. It _______ may might rain later today. ( ) could
( ) could or may or might
( ) may
( ) might
5) Sara might _______ her friend later today.
( ) calls ( ) call
( ) called
6) Jason might _______ that novel next month. It looks really interesting.
( ) reads
( ) read
( ) might read
7) The students _______ to the cafeteria at lunch.
( ) could be
( ) could went
( ) could go