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Inglês - 3º A/B - Atividades 26/10 a 30/10


E.E.Dr. Ozilde Albuquerque Passarella

NOME COMPLETO: _______________________________3ª série ____ DATA: ____________

2ª Atividade do 4º Bimestre

Atividade referente a semana: 26 a 30 de Outubro de 2020- 4º Bimestre


Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – 2 aulas semanais - Professora: Sueli Rangel

Data de entrega:04/11/2020. Enviar no e-mail ou pelo whatsapp.

Aula do CMSP do dia 09/10/2020- INEQUALITY-

1) Match words and definitions.

1. Outrage 2. Income 3. Wealth 4. Slice 5. Average 6. Trend 7. Poverty 8. Ensure

A. ( ) a large amount of Money

B. ( ) guarantee

C. ( ) a part or share of something

D. ( ) the standard that is typical

E. ( ) a Strong feeling of anger

F. ( ) the state of being poor

G. ( ) Money you get from work or from investing

H. ( ) to become popular; tendency

A seguir, você lerá um texto transcrito do vídeo apresentado na aula do CMSP do dia 9/10/2020. Trata-se de um texto que conta sobre a luta de três mulheres por direitos.

In 1691, following criticismo for studying secular texts nun Sor Joana Ines de la Cruz of Mexico memorably defended women’s rights to education in 1691by proclaming one can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper.

A national icon, today she appers on Mexican currency. Also in 1860, Anna Filosofova, co funded a society to provide support to the poor including not only affordable housing but also decente work for women.

And another example is Doria Shefik. She catalyzed the women’s rights movement in Egypt. When in 1951 she, alongside 1,500 women, stormed parliament, demanding full political rights, pay equality and reforms to personal status laws.

These efforts, along with countless others to come, helped paved the way to women’s right to vote in 1956.

2) Now, match the actions. (Aqui você vai relacionar as ações com as mulheres que a fizeram.)

A. Juana Inés de la Cruz B. Anna Filosofova C. Doria Shefik

1. ( ) She fought for affordable housing.

2. ( ) She calimed for full political rights.

3. ( ) She was a nun Mexico.

4. ( ) 1,500 women helped her in 1951.

5. ( ) She defended women’s rights to education.

6. ( ) Her Project included decente work for women.


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