E.E.Dr. Ozilde Albuquerque Passarella
Nome completo: _______________________________Série: 2ª C data: ____________
Distanciamento Social- COVID-19
Atividade referente a semana: 10 a 14 de agosto de 2020- 3º Bimestre
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – 2 aulas semanais - Professora: Sueli Rangel
Turmas: 2ª SÉRIE C- Ensino Médio- Noturno
Data de entrega:19/08/2020. Enviar no e-mail ligelmes@yahoo.com.br ou pelo whatsapp.
Recomendações: Responder no próprio arquivo, salvar( pode ser em PDF) e mandar de volta. Por favor, não mandem fotos.
Aula do CMSP do dia 07/08/2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSZiaolVr2U
Have you seen the Marauder’s Map to Hogwarts? What is special about it?
It is the enchanted map of Hogwarts that first appears in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. it shows you the secrets of Hogwarts.
1) Why can’t a paper map do what the Marauder’s Map does?
a) Paper maps CAN do what the Marauder’s Map does. They show locations that can be found in space just like the Marauder’s Map did.
b) The Marauder’s Map was magical, and nobody in our class uses magic like they do at Hogwarts.
c) It would be illegal for us to do what the Marauder’s Map does using a paper map.
d) Paper maps show you a precise point on the globe. If you put an object on the map that might move, then your map is inaccurate.
2) What are the things a map MUST have on it in order to be a good one?
a) Scale, direction, information source;
b) Scale, title, information source, locational grid, subtitle.
c) Labels, title, information source;
d) Information source, direction, locational grid;
e) Labels, scale, locational grid.
3) Look the map.
De acordo com o mapa, a alternativa correta é?
a) 1- label; 2- scale; 3- locational grid
b) 1- locational grip; 2- label; 3- scale
c) 1- scale; 2- locational grip; 3- label