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Inglês - 2ºC - Atividade Interpretação de Texto


E.E.Dr. Ozilde Albuquerque Passarella

Nome completo: _______________________________Série: ____________data: ____________

Distanciamento Social- COVID-19

Atividade referente a semana: 04/05/2020 a 08/05/2020.

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – 2 aulas semanais

Professora: Sueli Rangel

Turmas: 2ª série C- Ensino Médio- Noturno

Data de entrega: 15/05/2020. Enviar no e-mail ou pelo whatsapp.

Recomendações: Responder no próprio arquivo, salvar( pode ser em PDF) e mandar de volta. Por favor, não mandem fotos.

Text for questions 1-9

Looking for love

Looking for Love is an agency that finds partners for single people of any age. Read about Lisa.

My name’s Lisa. I’m 25 years old and I’m from Manchester. I’m not married and I’m looking for love. I’m a journalist on a local newspaper, which means I write stories about local political issues and sometimes I interview politicians. I like my job, but I’d like to work on a national newspaper one day. That’s because I want to have the opportunity to work abroad.

I have a small group of friends who I’ve known for years. I even went to school with some of them! I’m not really extrovert but I do like going out and having fun. We usually go out to parties, nightclubs, and restaurants. I also like cooking and I make great pasta! My ideal night in is a good meal, a glass of wine, and a DVD. I like thrillers much more than I like romantic comedies!

I’m not very sporty, but I like to keep fit. I stopped smoking last year and now I go running twice a week and I sometimes go to the gym at weekends. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and I try not to have red meat or too much coffee. At work, I drink water or tea.

I prefer men who are interested in serious issues because I like talking about politics and what’s happening in the world. However, I also like men with a good sense of humour. These characteristics are more important to me than physical appearance.

Please contact Looking for Love if you think you’re the kind of person I’m looking for!

1. In her job, Lisa has to _____.

a) ( ) travel to other countries

b) ( ) write about politics

c) ( ) interview politicians abroad

2. Lisa met all her friends _____.

a) ( ) at school

b) ( ) at work

c) ( ) a long time ago

3. Lisa goes out _____.

a) ( ) every night

b) ( ) to quiet places

c) ( ) with her friends

4. Lisa doesn’t like _____ so much.

a) ( ) politics

b) ( ) love stories

c) ( ) Italian food

5. Lisa exercises _____.

a) ( ) every weekend

b) ( ) more than once a week

c) ( ) rarely

6. Lisa doesn’t often have _____.

a) ( ) vegetables

b) ( ) red meat

c) ( ) tea

7. Lisa prefers _____ men.

a) ( ) good-looking

b) ( ) hard-working

c) ( ) funny

8. Lisa is _____.

a) ( ) married

b) ( ) divorced

c) ( ) single

9. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) Lisa doesn’t want to change her job. ( )

b) She goes out with some of her school friends. ( )

c) She thinks she is extrovert. ( )

d) She enjoys watching films. ( )

e) She plays a lot of team sports. ( )

f) She sometimes smokes. ( )

g) She drinks a lot of coffee. ( )

h) She likes talking about serious things. ( )

i) Looking for Love is an organization only for young people. ( )


Immigrants and Public Schools

Public schools in the United States helped immigrants in different ways. First the schools gave the children a free education. This meant that many young people became better educated than their parents and had more chances for better jobs. In addition, many schools had evening classes for adults.

10. Based on the text, it is correct to say that

a) ( ) Public schools in the United States were only for adults.

b) ( ) Parents did not have to pay for their children’s education in public schools.

c) ( ) Adults could go to public schools in the United States.

d) ( ) Parents were generally better educated than their children.

e) ( ) There were no jobs for immigrants.

Vamos pesquisar um pouco?

Ria se puder!

Bom, temos duas piadas em inglês. O desafio é: descobrir a resposta, traduzi-las e explicar a “graça”.

Good luck, kkkkk!

Question: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?

Question: Why did the school kids eat their homework?

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