E.E.Dr. Ozilde Albuquerque Passarella
NOME COMPLETO: _______________________________1ª série C DATA: ____________
1ª Atividade do 4º Bimestre
Atividade referente a semana: 19 a 23 de Outubro de 2020- 4º Bimestre
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – 2 aulas semanais - Professora: Sueli Rangel
Turmas: 1ª SÉRIE C- Ensino Médio- Noturno
Data de entrega:27/10/2020. Enviar no e-mail ligelmes@yahoo.com.br ou pelo whatsapp.
Estamos revisando o Tense Future – WILL
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as perguntas. ATENÇÃO: RESPONDER AS PERGUNTAS EM INGLÊS.
Schools of the Future
By Richard Morton
Some people predict that schools in the future will be different from schools today. How will they be different? First, they’ll be smaller. Many schools will have only about 100 students.
Second, schools probably won’t have different grades – students of different ages will be in the same grade. Students will also choose the subjects they want to study, and they’ll work together on projects. They’ll use computers to work with students around the word. Students will create virtual cities and countries and solve problems in them. They will study a lot of languages, too.
Tests will be very different, too. To pass them, students won’t only answer questions – they will have to do other things. For a science test, a student might have to make a robot. For a history test, a student might create a museum exhibit. A language arts test might give students a headline, and ask them to write an article about it on the computer.
Schools in the future won’t be easier than schools today, but one thing is certain: They will be more exciting!
a) How will the schools be in the future?
b) Will they have many students? Why?
c) Will students use computers?